
    If we promote curiosity and the constant change of perspective in people, we can become aware that the potential for change (in us and society) is at least as great as the challenges that need to be met in the future.

  • OWN ProjeCTS

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    Reflecta Filmfestival

    2010 - today

    Under the permanent motto "Rethink Your World", the Reflecta Film Festival combines thematically appropriate films with debates, workshops, concerts and networking events. The topics are always (self-)critically oriented and should inspire a change of perspective. The aim is to constructively address the questions of a sustainable world - and us in it - and to develop a picture for the respective region.

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    Green City Guide


    The Green City Guide presents cities from their most beautiful, greenest, most ecological and fairest sides. With numerous tips on shopping, cafés, and restaurants with ecological and fair products as well as green and cultural leisure tips, the Green City Guide is unique and an inexhaustible source of information for anyone who wants to inform themselves or become active. The guides for the cities of Mainz, Frankfurt, Wiesbaden, and Cologne are available in bookshops all over Germany.

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    Reflecta.Network offers the space to realize sustainable and social projects together with like-minded people. The exchange of own ideas, inspirations or concrete projects and the gradual realization of these visions, gets a lively platform here. Through mutual help, tangible tips and collective design, we make it easier for each other to change the world.

  • Upcoming dates

    A look ahead

    Since 2015 a large number of refugees have come to Europe and Germany - the first 3 years are crucial for their arrival and further integration. It is now time to look ahead to the next 6 years: How do we shape the integration work until 2024 and beyond? Against this background, the Volkswagen...
    The 9th Global Social Business Summit will take place in Wolfsburg on 8th and 9th November. It is the world's leading forum on social business. Among the speakers is Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus. The annual Global Social Business Summit (GSBS) is the world's leading forum on social...
    The future of the world of work has a central role at this year's Bayreuth Dialogues. Digitization and globalization have a great influence on companies. The requirements and working environment of employees are changing. The aim of the dialogues is to look at the changes in the world of work...
  • ImpulseS

    Lectures, workshop participation, conferences, articles



    Lecture/Curation: ÖkoRausch Festival Cologne 2017



    Workshop: BMW the next 100 Los Angeles 2016 (English)


    Curation/Lecture: Artivist Award Es Baluard Palma 2015 & 2016 (Spanish)

  • Past projects, curations, consultations - a selection

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    Consulting and keynote speech (German)

    September 2018 Mainz/Bad Neunahr

    16th meeting of the municipal youth representations Rhineland-Palatinate


    Client: Media RLP Institute for Media and Education e.V.


    Preparation of the workshop, impulse lecture and consultation


    From 15 to 16 September 2018, the 16th meeting of the municipal youth representations of Rhineland-Palatinate took place in the multigenerational house Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler. The two-day meeting offered the opportunity for intensive exchange and networking, for the development of new perspectives, professional formation, discussions and the discussion of common projects. The Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ), Anne Spiegel also joined the discussion.



    Details 16th Meeting of the Youth Representation RLP (in german)


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    Consulting and keynote speech (German)

    16.11.2017, 17:00, IHK, Schillerplatz 7 Mainz

    March-April 2018 Frankfurt

    Award for sustainable cinema


    Client: Labl Lust auf besser Leben Frankfurt

    The SUSTAINABLE CINEMA AWARD is unique in Germany. It honours the commitment and concepts of cinemas in Hessen, which focus particularly on sustainability and environmental friendliness in the development of their business management and social practice, as well as their programming. The prize sees itself as a motivating and promotional initiative of the cinema industry on this important path into the future.

    The prize is awarded by the Hessian Ministry of Science and Arts.
    Organized by Filmbüro Hessen. In cooperation with Labl Frankfurt.


    Prize for Sustainable Cinema (in German)

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    Free Lunch Society: 100 Cinemas, 100 Debates

    1 February 2018 all over Germany

    Within 3 months, a team, suitable project partners, and sponsors were put together, partner companies/co-organizers were advised and trained and 100 screening locations with suitable podiums organized.

    Made possible by strong partners:
    Triodos Bank Deutschland nV
    My basic Income e.V.

    Background information


  • my services

    Concept, Curation, Consulting

    In addition to the realization of my own projects, I help organizations, companies or institutions with the concept development, brainstorming, sustainable orientation and implementation of their companies. We need to develop courageous ideas that are contemporary and unusual. The current challenges are more complex than ever before. For this reason, the approaches to solutions are developed and adapted together on a very individual basis.
    Bringing people to the table who often walk past each other, combining disciplines and looking at the points of contact and inspiring results is one of the tasks that I find most fulfilling.


  • Press

    Ich bin eine Nomadin - Interview, FAZ, Fatima Abbas

    Rethink Your World. 5 Fragen - Interview, enorm, Phillip Bittner